Staying Fit During the Hectic Holiday Rush

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Some seem to think that it is inevitable to gain weight during the holidays, but using the following tips has helped prevent me from adding “lose weight” to my list of New Year resolutions.

“It’s the little things” may sound cliché, but squeezing in exercise whenever you can really does add up.  Here are some ways to keep active and still enjoy those Christmas cookies.

  • Workout first thing in the morning: This is the only time of day that seems to work for me, because it seems like the world is out to get me if I try to work out over lunch or in the evening.  Looking for workouts you can do at home?  P90x is a popular choice.  Or check out FitStar on your iPad or iPhone.  There are also plenty of video games to get your heart pumping.
  • March in place during holiday shows: So you intended to workout, but then you noticed National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation is on TV.  It’s just not Christmas without seeing it at least once!  When I notice my friends are getting more steps on their Fitbits than me, I tend to march in place while watching TV in the evening.  As an added bonus, it helps me pay better attention to the show since I’m less likely to check my phone while marching.
  • Take an extra lap around the store: OK, this tip may not be the best for your wallet, but if you’ve finished your holiday shopping and you are ready to check out, take an extra trip around the store to get in some extra steps (and maybe think of that item you forgot to grab).
  • Shop online: Shopping online helps you avoid the crowds, helps you save money, and leaves more time for your workout!
  • Load up on protein: There are typically plenty of protein options available at holiday meals, so load up on lean cuts of ham or turkey to help keep your hunger in check (and support the muscles you worked out that morning).
  • Make your food choices worth it: Those Hershey Kisses may look festive in their green and red foil, but they’re the same Kisses you can eat any time of the year.  Instead, focus on those once-a-year favorites, like a slice of your aunt’s famous pumpkin pie or the local brewery’s limited edition festive beer.  Just don’t overdo it.

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